DIL Student Receives Presidential Medal

IMG-20160201-WA0020Zamin Raza Mangi, a 10 year old student from DIL-NOWA School, Madina Colony, Khairpur, won the Pakistan Boy Scouts Association’s President’s Gold Medal. The ceremony was held in Islamabad at the Presidency, where he received the award from the
President of Pakistan. The competition, held every 4 years, tests participants on both their physical and mental capabilities.

Zamin competed against participants from 24 districts in Karachi and won the title of Best Shaheen Scout of Sindh (2015)! And for Zamin, the best is yet to come: “I have gained a lot of knowledge and confidence in the DIL school environment where teachers promote and support talent. I will work hard to achieve more in the future.”

Congratulations – we are so proud of you Zamin!

On behalf of DIL’s 24,000 students, thank you for your continued support. We invite you to make a donation by clicking here – these children are counting on us to make their dreams come true!